
I’m Stacey. I’m originally from LA but am now settled down raising my family in the Bay Area of California.

I am divorced. I have two children from that marriage. None of us go into marriage thinking the worst might happen. We all want the happily-ever-after-white-picket-fence story. Some of us don’t get ours. Or maybe we do eventually, but we have to be broken down and rebuilt to find it.

I’m in a wonderful love-filled relationship now. He’s also a father of two. Single dad. Product of death, not divorce. So we mourn in different ways. But our losses are what brought us together. And now when we mourn we do it together as one solid unit.

My life is good. I have been lucky to receive what I have. But I am aware that my family doesn’t look like the majority of families out there.

I want others out there to know that no matter how pretty the pictures might be or grand the adventures, life is messy. If yours is messy too, you are not alone. There are so many of us out there. I want to celebrate the non-typical family, the messy lives and the people trying to figure it all out. It’s all about having community. This is mine, and I’d love for you to join in too.
